By Bossip Staff
Oprah‘s going out with a BANG, isn’t she! She snagged Lisa Marie Presley’s first (and she says only) interview about Michael Jackson since his passing. And Lisa made some interesting revelations.
As she’s said before, Lisa reiterated that she and MJ were truly in a romantic relationship and that there was nothing fake about it. That doesn’t mean Mike didn’t use it to his advantage.
Though Lisa Marie says her marriage to Michael Jackson was real, she also admits that Michael was a master at manipulating the media.
“He was brought up that way,” she says. “He was conditioned to get himself where he needed to go for his career, and he became very good at making and creating and puppeteering.”
But from the way she sounds, Lisa was definitely hooked… even if Michael wasn’t.
Lisa Marie says the marriage was, in every sense normal, open and intimate. When Michael couldn’t sleep at night, for example, she would stay awake to talk with him. She says she truly enjoyed being there for him.
“I loved taking care of him,” she says. “It was one of the highest points in my life when things were going really well, and he and I were united. It was a very profound time of my life.”
“He was an incredible, dynamic person,” she says. “He had something so intoxicating about him, and when he was ready to share with you and be himself—I don’t know if I’ve ever been that intoxicated by anything. … He was like a drug for me.”
So what could have possibly made her walk away from a love like that
Call it women’s intuition with a dash of fear…
Lisa Marie: He had to make a decision. Was it the drugs and the vampires or me? And he pushed me away.
Oprah: Vampires?
Lisa Marie: Meaning, people that are sort of …
Oprah: Sycophants sucking his blood?
Lisa Marie: Sycophants, yes.
Oprah: So you saw that all around him?
Lisa Marie: Oh, yes.
This is something Lisa Marie says her father, Elvis, faced in his life as well. “[My father and Michael] had the luxury of creating whatever reality around them they wanted to create. They would have the kinds of people who were going to go with their program … and if they weren’t, then they could be disposed of,” Lisa Marie says.
Legendary fame, addiction, prescription drug overdoses—the parallels between the lives of her father and former husband are astounding, even to Lisa Marie. “It blows me away, to be honest with you,” she says. Michael Jackson even died in a house that was across the street from a home Elvis once owned, a place where Lisa Marie says she spent time as a child.
“We were sitting by the fire, and he was telling me that he was afraid he was going to end up like my father,” she says. “[Michael] was always asking me about when he died, how it happened, when it happened and where. He said, ‘I feel like I’m going to end up the same way.’”
That fear might be the reason why Lisa wasn’t Michael’s first baby mama… and he was very determined to be a dad, she says.
From the day they said “I do” in 1994, Lisa Marie says Michael wanted her to have a baby.
“I did want to, but I just wanted to make sure,” she says. “I was looking into the future and thinking, ‘I don’t ever want to get into a custody battle with him.’” Over time, she says her hesitation became a source of contention. Then, two months after their divorce was final, it was announced in October 1996 that Debbie Rowe was pregnant with Michael’s child—an act Lisa Marie calls “retaliatory.”
“She was there the whole time telling him that she would [have his child],” Lisa Marie says. “He would tell me, ‘Debbie said she’ll do it.’ That’s how he knew to handle it, ‘If you’re not going to do it, this person will.’”
Who knew MJ’s personal life was this complex, LOL! MJ was pimpin’ on the low.
When we were together, we were really in love, and then we had the rough patches. And I had to make a decision to walk because I saw the drugs and the doctors coming in, and they scared me. They put me right back into what I went through with my father. That ended it. But we still spent four more years [together] after we divorced.
And here we were thinking their swirl-thing was a publicity stunt!
Lisa Marie came back to the topic of drugs a few times, even blaming Mike’s most notorious interview on his altered mindstate.
Lisa Marie: I didn’t see the Michael I knew in that Martin Bashir interview. He was high as a kite from what I saw.
Oprah: He said some pretty shocking things in that interview. Particularly about how he felt it was okay to sleep with young children.
Lisa Marie: I think he said stuff sometimes to be defiant. He got so angry at having been accused. I think that sometimes he was such a little stubborn rebel and, like a child, he would just say what he felt everyone didn’t want him to say.
Oprah: So you never saw anything, and to this day, you don’t believe that any of those [molestation] charges were true.
And Michael’s last words to his ex?
Before the conversation ended, Michael revealed something chilling to Lisa Marie. “He felt that someone was going to try to kill him to get ahold of his catalog and his estate,” she says.
“So he actually gave you names,” Oprah says.
“He did, and I would like not to say them,” Lisa Marie says. “But he expressed to me his concern over his life.”
Lisa Marie: No. … I was never in that room. I can tell you I never saw anything like that.
And that was in ’05. SMH. R.I.P. Michael.
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By Bossip Staff
NPR declared it “The Best Week Ever For Black Girls,” with “Sesame Street’s” ‘I Love My Hair’ skit grabbing headlines everywhere, and Willow Smith simultaneously holding court over pop culture with the debut of her “Whip My Hair” video. Both were worthy of celebration, signalling young girls to embrace being confident in who they are and how they look, but with so many other images out there sending mixed messages, we wondered if these are true signs of change, or just temporary fixes.
Essence Magazine also recently released their “Hot Hair Issue” with Monica on the cover, which paid homage to black hairstyles, short, long, natural and “enhanced,” making us wonder how willing black women — adult black women in particular — are to stop making improvements.
It also hasn’t escaped us that there are still other examples — for instance, Nene Leakes, going public with her plastic surgery details — that highlight how much black women continue to aspire to a certain standard of beauty. No matter how expensive it may be for our wallets and our psyches. In Nene’s case, she blamed her fast fixes on vanity, “I admit it; I’m vain.” But what was wrong with the nose God gave her? Was she inspired by magazine covers and the images on T.V. and in films?
We thought we’d open the floor for discussion, to see how the Bossip readers feel about black beauty. Should we all be striving for a Naomi Campbell or Halle Berry standard? Does a woman have to be more confident in who she is to rock a natural style over a weave? Or at the end of the day is it all about what works for us as individuals? Do you think Willow Smith and “Sesame Street” are making the world easier for our children to grow up with broad noses and kinky hair? Is black beauty as a whole more appreciated now than ever?
We’d love to hear your thoughts!