Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ten Black Women Missing or Dead And You Have Not Heard About It…Why???
Posted by Bossip Staff
Jesus please take the wheel over in Rocky Mount, N.C., where 10 black women have either been found murdered or are still missing. To make matters worst, these sad cases haven’t even been receiving media attention:
Ten women have been found slain or have been declared missing in Rocky Mount, N.C., in recent years. But the rest of the country hasn’t heard about…… a possible serial killer stalking the young women in this Southern town of 60,000. The latest victim, Elizabeth Jane Smallwood, was identified on Oct. 12. Why have the Rocky Mount homicides been largely ignored?
“When you think about the famous missing person cases over the last few years it’s Chandra Levy, Natalee Holloway, and Laci Peterson,” notes Sam Sommers, associate professor of psychology at Tufts University. All these women had a few things in common—they were white, educated, and came from middle-class families. The victims in Rocky Mount—which residents describe as a “typical Southern town,” and is about 40 percent white and more than 50 percent black—were different. They were all African-American, many were poor, and some had criminal histories including drug abuse and prostitution.
Police have not officially linked all the murders and disappearances, but community members claim the similarities among the women, their lifestyles, and the location of their bodies make a connection all too obvious. “If you find two bodies in the same location, this could be the work of the same person or people,” says Rocky Mount Police Chief John Manley, who would not comment on a connection, but implied the possibility.
“If it was someone of a different race, things would have been dealt with the first time around; it wouldn’t have taken the fifth or sixth person to be murdered,” says Andre Knight, a city-council member and president of the local NAACP chapter. “All these women knew each other and lived in the same neighborhood; this is the sign of a potential serial killer. When it didn’t get the kind of attention it needed, it made the African-American community frustrated.”
The news has not been covering these murders anywhere close to the way they covered JonBenet or pregnant Lacy Peterson. SMH
Nicki Minaj Talks About “Looking For a Bad B*tch
Posted by Bossip Staff
Nicki Minaj is a freak to no end. In the video below she is offering the interviewer a free touch of her goods, which he turns down… sort of softly, but when she says ” f*ck n*ggas” we rewound the video.
Pop it and watch it
One in 4 Teen Girls Has a Sexually Transmitted Disease
Greatest burden falls on African-American adolescents, CDC researchers find
TUESDAY, March 11 (HealthDay News) -- More than 3 million teenaged girls have at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD), a new government study suggests.
The most severely affected are African-American teens. In fact, 48 percent of African-American teenaged girls have an STD, compared with 20 percent of white teenaged girls.
"What we found is alarming," Dr. Sara Forhan, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said during a teleconference Tuesday. "One in four female adolescents in the U.S. has at least one of the four most common STDs that affects women."
"These numbers translate into 3.2 million young women nationwide who are infected with an STD," Forhan said. "This means that far too many young women are at risk of the serious health effects of untreated STDs, including infertility and cervical cancer."
These common STDs include human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia, herpes simplex virus and trichomoniasis, Forhan said.
Forhan announced the results as part of the CDC's 2008 National STD Prevention Conference, in Chicago.
"These findings are really giving us a lot of pause about how we provide care to adolescent girls who are sexually active," said Dr. Elizabeth Alderman, an adolescent medicine specialist at Children's Hospital at Montefiore in New York City and chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Section of Adolescent Health of the American Academy of Pediatrics. "The numbers are really astonishing."
Forhan noted that most of the burden of STDs falls on young African-American women. "Among African-American teenagers, about one in two were affected compared to one in five white teens," she said.
In terms of the racial disparity, "it's what we've always seen, which is very unfortunate," Alderman said.
In the study, Forhan's team collected data on 838 girls aged 14 to 19 who took part in the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The study did not include syphilis, gonorrhea or HIV, as earlier studies found very low prevalence of these diseases in this age group.
HPV and chlamydia are the most common STDs found among teenage girls, Forhan said. "Almost one in five overall had a strain of HPV associated with cervical cancer or genital warts," she said.
"We need to be screening adolescent girls who are sexually active and providing them with HPV vaccine," Alderman said. "The recommendations are to screen sexually active girls, but many girls don't disclose to their health-care provider that they are sexually active, even when asked," she said.
As for chlamydia, 4 percent of teenaged girls had this STD, Forhan said. "The majority of chlamydia infections do not have symptoms. If left untreated, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which leaves these young women at risk for atopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain or infertility," she said.
In addition, the study found that 2.9 percent of young women had trichomoniasis, and 2 percent were infected with genital herpes, Forhan said.
According to Forhan, about 50 percent of the teens reported having sex, and the prevalence of STDs in this group was 40 percent. "Even for young women with only one reported lifetime sexual partner, one in five had an STD," she noted.
"If you choose to be sexually active, you need to protect yourself and be screened for these infections," Alderman said. "And all girls between the ages of 11 and 26 should get vaccinated for HPV."
Among women with an STD, 15 percent had more than one infection, Forhan added.
"These data provide a clearest picture to date of the overall burden of STDs in adolescent women in the United States," Forhan said. "The study also underscores the importance of addressing racial disparities in STD rates among young women."
Race itself is not a risk factor for STDs, Forhan said. However, factors such as limited access to health care, poverty, community prevalence of STDs, and misperceptions about individual risk are some of the reasons that STD rates are particularly high among African-Americans, she said.S
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The way men treat us
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More comments
LOL Pretty much so, but you women have to demand that men be more attracted to you for your qualities and not just your looks and bodies sis.;):)BrownSuga wrote:To sum it up they want..
azz, azz and more azz and a good head on her shoulders.
What black men want in women here is some of there comments
This week in gossip!
Random Ridiculousness: T-Pain Has a Funeral for Auto Tune
Posted by Bossip Staff
T-Pain had an official funeral for the death of the Auto-Tune complete with a hearse and a coffin. We guess his song to Jay-Z apologizing wasn’t enough.
When T-Pain showed up to DJ Khaled’s album release party in a hearse blasting D.O.A people thought he was just being normal but we found out he actually was putting his claim to fame to rest.
The highlight of the funeral was when he went to the back of the hearse and pulled out a coffin to display a skeleton dressed in jeans and a white tee wearing his infamous “Big A** Chain” around it’s neck along with a top hat:
Singer Leona Lewis was punched by an alleged fan while at a signing for her autobiography, Dreams, at a London bookstore on today (Wednesday, October 14, 2009).
According to sources, Leona Lewis, 24, had been signing autographs for more than an hour at Waterstone’s book store in Piccadilly Circus when an alleged fan walked up with a book which she signed and as she proceeded to glance up at him, she was then punched in her face which caused bruising.
Currently the singer is stated to be in shock over the incident and ran away covering her eye.
The singer did not have to be hospitalized, however due to the incident, Leona Lewis has canceled an appearance on “The One Show” for BBC which was scheduled for tonight.
The incident is currently being investigated and the unnamed suspect who was stated to be laughing during apprehension was arrested.
In other news, Leona Lewis is scheduled to release her second album entitled “Echo” on November 17, 2009.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
obama wins nobel peace prize
(CNN) -- President Obama said Friday that he was "surprised and deeply humbled" by the decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award him the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
The committee said it honored Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."
Obama said he viewed the decision less as a recognition of his own accomplishments and more as "a call to action."
The decision appeared to catch most observers by surprise. Nominations for the prize had to be postmarked by February 1, only 12 days after Obama took office. The committee sent out its solicitation for nominations last September, two months before Obama was elected president.
Obama had not been mentioned as among front-runners for the prize, and the roomful of reporters gasped when Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Nobel committee, announced that the president was the winner.
The Nobel committee recognized Obama's efforts at dialogue to solve complex global problems, including working toward a world free of nuclear weapons. Watch CNN's Christiane Amanpour's analysis »
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said.
Jagland said the decision was "unanimous" and came with ease. Watch the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize announcement »
He rejected the notion that Obama had been recognized prematurely for his efforts and said the committee wanted to promote the president just it had Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 for his efforts to open up the Soviet Union. Ed Rollins: Obama now must earn it
"His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population," the committee said of Obama. Listen to Jagland explain why Obama was this year's choice »
Choosing a winner
Obama said he did not feel he deserved "to be in the company" of past Peace Prize winners, but would accept the prize while pushing for a broad range of international objectives, including nuclear nonproliferation, a reversal of the global economic downturn and a resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
He also acknowledged the ongoing U.S. conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, noting that he is the "commander in chief of a country that is responsible for ending a war and working in another theater to confront a ruthless adversary that directly threatens the American people" and U.S. allies.
"This award is not simply about my administration," he said. It "must be shared" with everyone who strives for "justice and dignity." Watch Obama react to receiving the prize »
It was just before 6 a.m. that the president learned he had won the award, said Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary. The announcement by the committee caught the White House off guard. One senior administration official said that "we were quite surprised."
Some analysts have speculated that the prize could give Obama additional clout as he forms a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan and attempts to engage Iran and North Korea. Another senior administration official told CNN he hopes the White House can "use it for the positive."
The domestic political consequences are unclear. Obama's supporters hope the prestige associated with the prize will strengthen the president's hand in the health care reform debate. A top Republican from George W. Bush's administration, however, argued that "this will backfire on them for a while" and asserted it was "a gift to the right." Zakaria: Nobel honors Obama's 'bold gambit'
Obama, the first African-American to win the White House, is the fourth U.S. president to win the prestigious prize and the third sitting president to do so.
Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, last year's laureate, said it was clear the Nobel committee wanted to encourage Obama on the issues he has been discussing on the world stage.
"I see this as an important encouragement," Ahtisaari said.
The committee wanted to be "far more daring" than in recent times and make an impact on global politics, said Kristian Berg Harpviken, director of the International Peace Research Institute. Praise, skepticism greet Nobel announcement
Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!
Addicted to Heartbreak
I picked my poison
yes, I chose it all
now I'm shaking uncontrollably
I'm going through withdrawal.
Addicted to the impulse
my whole life revolved with him
now I struggle day to day
to get him out of my system.
I'm afraid because I'm alone in the dark
with my private thoughts
these feelings are things
that years of schooling never taught.
I'm a smart woman
so there's no one else to blame
I must have a case of amnesia
because I keep going back down memory lane.
I've been on this road before
but I never ever learn
because I hopelessly try to rebuild
the bridge between us that's been burned.
I go completely insane without him
I can't make it on my own
I've become a different person
abandoned every value I'd always known.
My life is like a mirror
that's been thrown and shattered
because I stopped caring about
everyone that once mattered.
And I relapse
every time I hear his voice
my drug of choice.
Written by Shinita Freeman
Friday, October 9, 2009
heres some gossip

50 Cent pointed out in a radio interview with Angie Martinez that Kanye West premiered his video on Ellen Degeneres’ show who is publicly known for her lesbian/gay status and that Kanye West targets his album at the gay community inorder to sell records.
But this isn’t what caused the uproar. What caused the uproar was that he called the tour a “gay tour” and this inturn prompted gay activists and gay rights groups to call his words homophobic.
To clear up his comments, 50 Cent spoke with Angie Martinez on Wednesday and stated that he repeated what he thought Lady Gaga has called her tour in the past. 50 Cent then goes on to say he doesn’t have a problem with other people’s lifestyles and he has no issues with the controversial singer Lady Gaga who states that she is bi-sexual, and goes on to include that she makes great music.
heres some gossip

Fredrick Richardson who also sustained injuries from the fight was arrested and charged with voluntary manslaughter after getting into a brawl with A.J. Jewell on Friday night at the Body Tap in Atlanta, GA outside of the strip club which may reportedly be co-owned by Jewell, according to unconfirmed sources.
Jewell who has made appearances on “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” which Kandi Burruss stars on, received scrutiny from many onlookers as well as Kandi Burruss’ mother during the show due to Jewell having six children. As reported on back in March, Kandi Burruss came to A.J.’s rescue after many blogs and commenters throughout the Internet called him a scrub and made statements that she had to take care of him.
In her radio interview, Kandi stated,”I try not to read too much of it, but I know they were talking about my fiance. Making him look real bad, like he’s a dead beat dad, he ain’t got no job. And it’s not true.”
Reportedly in August, the two called off their wedding and relationship to give each other a break to sort out personal issues, however the two remained friends.
Meanwhile, authorities are being whist on what may have caused the fight between the two as they are continuously interviewing witnesses who were there on the scene.
heres some gossip

Method Man surrendered to Staten Island Police this morning (October 5, 2009) on charges of Tax Evasion. This comes after the repossession of his 2008 Lincoln Navigator on March 19th, reportedly Method Man was unable to pay his back taxes.
District Attorney Daniel Donovan and New York State Department of Taxation and Finance Acting Commissioner Jamie Woodward announced the arrest this morning.
After being arraigned on tax evasion charges Method Man was released on his own recognizance by a Staten Island Judge.
“Taxes are the burden that all citizens share in a civil society, whether you are an ‘average Joe’ on the street or a high-profile rap artist. Because of the alleged action of people like Mr. Smith, law abiding citizens face higher taxes and reduced government services. Failure to properly report and pay your taxes is a crime against all citizens and will be aggressively investigated and prosecuted,” Donovan said in a press release after Smith’s release.
heres some gossip

It seems that many are believing that there’s a reason behind sweet Khloe Kardashian getting married so quickly to L.A. Laker’s Lamar Odom more than a week ago, as reported on, and with some recent pictures floating around of the reality star, one would assume that she looks a little pregnant.
Based on a few photos of Khloe Kardashian wearing the same outfit, the celebrity personality looks to have a little mid-drift while walking out to her ride. In another collection of photos of Khloe Kardashian standing with her mother, sister Kim Kardashian and very pregnant older sister Kourtney Kardashian on the red carpet for the launch of the “Famous Cupcakes” store in Beverly Hills which they hosted, Khloe’s stomach looks to be totally flat. Hmmm.
This is something that makes you wonder, was this the work of photoshop, did Khloe have just a few too many cupcakes, is there something going on that will be revealed in due time or was that just the fabric of her dress rolled up like that? And if these photos are exposing a pregnant Khloe Kardashian, who is the baby daddy? Is it Lamar Odom!?
Well, if Khloe Kardashian was pregnant we’re sure she’d say something some time soon, but in the meantime, you can catch her in the new issue of Life & Style wearing a hot and sexy bikini which Khloe says she took a week and a half before her wedding day. In the latest issue Khloe talks about her weight issues and speaks about being happy the way she is.
Meanwhile, check out photos Khloe Kardashian on the red carpet for the launch of “Famous Cupcakes” and on the streets of B.H.